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TrailBreakers: Pioneering Alaska's Iditarod, Vol. 1
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There might not be anyone better suited to capture the history of the Iditarod Trail in print than Alaskan author Rod Perry.... Perry sets out to make the reader feel like they are living the history as they read. --Darrell L. Breese Alaska Star ColumnistRod s attention to historical detail is impeccable. His writing style is uniquely Alaskan with the power to excite the adventurer in all of us. TrailBreakers; Volumes I and II complete the historical circle and address why the Iditarod is known around the world as- "The Last Great Race on Earth." --Greg Bill, Development Director, Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race
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About the Author
He's ridden a wild moose!---and claims they give a smoother ride than a horse. Not once, but twice he has nursed from one's udder!--- the first time through curiosity, the second because of hunger. He eats Eskimo delicacies such as oshok (walrus flipper buried in the frozen ground for a year to ferment.) He's worked on a moose research project, and climbed part way up Mount McKinley with his dog team. He's taken week's-long, unsupported trips by dog team through trackless, subarctic wilderness where no one monitored his progress, whereabouts or well-being. He competed in the wild-and-crazy, loosely-organized, first Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. Obviously, he doesn't fit the stereotype of your typical writer. Can such a free spirit actually sit still long enough and handle a pen well enough to author a book of excellence? Can he ever! Rod Perry is a storyteller par excellence. Of the thousands of articles written about the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race since its inception in 1973, Rod's two-part piece in Alaska Magazine was the first. The motion picture that he conceived, wrote the original story for, filmed, co directed and co produced, Sourdough, is the most widely viewed feature ever filmed in Alaska. Those who have read Volume I of TRAILBREAKERS have given it rave reviews. Just don't expect a moose rider to write like some desk-bound, pencil-necked librarian!
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Product details
Perfect Paperback: 352 pages
Publisher: Rod Perry; First edition (May 1, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0982373007
ISBN-13: 978-0982373002
Package Dimensions:
8.9 x 6 x 1.1 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds
Average Customer Review:
4.2 out of 5 stars
7 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#1,507,255 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Not only a history of Alaska , but also many stories from his family's friends that were the foundation toopening that great state to the world.Need to reed both books to receive the full story of the Iditarod.
A read for all. Very detailed history disclosing a well-written account of what happened. Incredible. Recommend highly. Thank you.
The book was in excellent condition for the price I paid. Plus, to my surprise it was signed by the author. I know it is the author's signature because I have the same signature in his Volumn 2 which I received in person in
If you find yourself walking down 4th Avenue in downtown Anchorage, stop by and visit with Rob Perry, the author of this book. I say visit, rather than just look or buy a book, because Rod is a raconteur of the first degree. He is out there with his dog all day long (and the days can be long there) and loves to converse. About anything. Absolutely anything. Rob is well read, well spoken and tells the truth about all things Alaska. I fancy myself a writer and visited Rod several times to expand my mind on a variety of subjects. Be it the young couple visiting from Israel or the kid carrying a skateboard, Rod could engage them in an intelligent and knowing conversation that catches most by surprise and delight.After finishing both of Rod's volumes, I feel I not only know Alaska on a first name basis, but feel the hopelessness, enthusiasm and longing of the spirit that formed Alaska. I got goose bumps typing the previous sentence, because it is now part of me.I will return to Anchorage in mid-May (by Rod's advise) to introduce my wife to my (and everyone's) friend, Rod.
Walk down Main Street in Anchorage, Alaska and you can buy a copy of this book and it's sequel straight from Rod Perry. He'll sign them for you and tell you even more Alaska stories. Every person interested in Alaska should own copies of these books by Rod Perry. I remember as a kid reading the book about Libby Riddle, the first woman to win the Iditarod, and Rod Perry was one of the people who showed up a number of times in her book. Alaska is a place where people can still dream. This book shows you why.
I'm a big fan of the Iditarod Sled Dog Race and even give presentations about it at our local elementary school, so I was really excited when I heard about this book and couldn't wait to read it. I'm almost 1/2 way through it (page 190 of 334 pages) and I'm FINALLY getting to something about the town of Iditarod. If I wouldn't have paid good money for this, I WOULD NOT still be reading it! In fact, several times within the first 25 pages, I put it down and seriously considered not bothering with the rest of the book.IF you're a fan of who did what, when and where, then this book will probably please you. IF you know A LOT about the geography of the Yukon Territory in Canada (without looking at maps) then you will probably enjoy this book. If not, then don't bother buying it.The author goes into great detail about who did what and when concerning looking for gold in the Yukon Territory. Unfortunately, he mentions so many people and so many locations, without having enough maps, that it is difficult to comprehend it all or to keep everything straight.He switches between several speakers with each giving his/her own rendition of the SAME incident, which is boring. Even more annoying is his inclusion of French phrases, without giving the reader any clue as to their meaning in English.Before you go out and buy this book, check with your library to see if you can borrow it. That way you won't waste your money purchasing a copy. Since it's a paperback, it wouldn't even make a good door stop.
The author takes you on a journey through history in this book, you feel like your there riding in the sled.
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