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Steel My Soldiers' Hearts: The Hopeless to Hardcore Transformation of the U.S. Army, 4th Battalion, 39th Infantry, Vietnam, by David H. Hackworth
PDF Ebook Steel My Soldiers' Hearts: The Hopeless to Hardcore Transformation of the U.S. Army, 4th Battalion, 39th Infantry, Vietnam, by David H. Hackworth
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Amazon.com Review
Steel My Soldiers' Hearts is retired Colonel David Hackworth's account of his tour of duty in Vietnam commanding the 4/39th, an infantry battalion operating south of Saigon in the Mekong River delta. Poorly led (the previous commander had based the battalion in the middle of a mine field), with frightfully high casualties (40 percent during the six months prior to Hackworth's arrival), and fighting in the most dangerous of terrain, the 4/39th was a dispirited and demoralized group when Hackworth assumed command in January, 1969. Upon arrival, Hackworth fired many of the senior officers and then put the 4/39th through "Combat 101," which made him so unpopular that at one point Hackworth was warned of a bounty some of his men had put out on him. Over the next five months, however, Hackworth would transform the 4/39 from "hopeless to hardcore," dramatically reverse the casualty rate, score some spectacular victories over the Viet Cong, and earn the undying respect of his troops. Here's a gung ho and earthy firsthand account of the Vietnam War that fans of We Were Soldiers Once... will appreciate. --Harry C. Edwards
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From Publishers Weekly
Soldier-Author-Columnist, as his Web site notes, Hackworth (About Face, Hazardous Duty) weighs in with a long, blow-by-blow account of his second tour in Vietnam, as a 9th Infantry Division battalion commander. (Hackworth denounced the war in 1971, went into self-imposed exile in Australia and later became a high-profile Newsweek military analyst.) He's definitely the star of this production, which is co-written with England but told in his voice, as he describes how he turned a group of decidedly unready infantrymen into an effective fighting force mainly through the strength of his tough personality. My idea of looking after the troops was not to spoon-feed them, Hackworth says, but to make them as hard as forged steel, deadly in their kill-or-be-killed trade. And he's not bashful about naming names: he gives credit to the officers and enlisted men who helped him and pillories ticket-punching and cowardly officers who stood in his way. The result is a readable, gritty, in-the-trenches tale, dotted with clever epigrammatic prose and filled to overflowing with reconstructed dialogue. The main source is Hackworth's memory bank, but he and England also combed through primary and secondary sources and made good use of interviews they conducted with many of his former troops. The portrait that emerges is of a battalion commander with integrity, guts, leadership ability and an abiding concern for the welfare of his men as well as, it must be acknowledged, a modest desire to self-promote.Copyright 2002 Cahners Business Information, Inc.
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Product details
Hardcover: 512 pages
Publisher: Rugged Land; 1 edition (May 1, 2002)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1590710029
ISBN-13: 978-1590710029
Product Dimensions:
6.5 x 1.5 x 9.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.7 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.8 out of 5 stars
122 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#87,348 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I was one of Colonel Hackworth's grunts. I had the high honor of being part of this book. It is written in the words of the young men,mostly draftees, that were engaged in the 3 day battle from March 23rd to the 25th. Hack was an outstanding military combat leader. His motto was lead from the front, which he did. He probably was one of a very few commanders that actually was in the field with his men. Most Colonels stayed at base camps, or flew overhead viewing the battle from their chopper. I went from private E-2 to Sgt E-5 in under 8 months. I was point man, RTO, squad leader, acting platoon sergeant, and acting platoon leader. Some of my words are in the book, and I was very honored to have my photo also in the book. I served with almost all draftees, we lost some very good soldiers, but most of all they were young kids and great Americans. We all did the job we were assigned to do by our Nation. We were not baby killers, murders, rapists, or druggies. The life of a front line grunt can only be explained, and understood by those of us that were there and that survived the war. Most all of us came home with deep emotional wounds, which most of us carry with us to this day. It was an honor to serve with Sgt Gary Stevens, SSG Toby Hagar, Bn. Dr. Byron Holley, Sgt. Thomas Aiken, Sgt. Terry Calandra, all were draftees except Calandra. Hack was thrown under the truck when he said that the war in Vietnam couldn't be won militarily. The Army he loved turned his back on him and treated him like cancer. The only problem with their thinking was that he was "RIGHT". His passing was a very sad day for me. He is a hero to all of us that had the honor to fight under him as our commander. On May 17th 1969 I was seriously wounded, when our company was ambushed, and in two weeks was medically evacuated back to the World, as us grunts called it.Sgt. Jim Silva4th Bn. 39th Inf, Co. D, 9th Infantry DivisonVietnam: Sept 68-May 17, 1969
This book was introduced to me through the Jocko podcast. It was a real eye opener on what happened in Vietnam and how Hackworth turned around a group of poorly lead soldiers to a highly proficient killing machine in matter of months. Very inspiring to see hardcore discipline and experience in action. Never being in the military this book enlightened what the front line soldiers go through. Respect to all our front line soldiers.
Hackworth for all his flaws was a soldier first and foremost. The story told in this book is everything thats right and everything thats wrong in the military, even today. He describes vividly how he turned around a bunch of draftees and made them into the Hardcore by getting back to the basics and 'soldierieng' . A great read that I highly recommend.
[I'll preface this review by admitting I had Hack autograph my Amazon purchased copy in 2002-something I've rarely done. Hack died recently - the world will miss his bravery, honor and grit.]The conflicts most important to the US Army are fought in Washington, DC. The results from these battles - between State and Defense - inter-service - or between military contractors -filter down to the troops - tragically sometimes in combat.None can deny that the Officer Corps of the United States Army has become (virtually) a political rat hole. Careerism - in my day - started at Colonel - now some Captains and Majors refuse to be risk takers for fear of career ending errors. Additionally, when how war is conducted becomes the focus of Presidential politics - it is only the troops who suffer.When viewed by civilians - the United States Army is a terrible place to have a career. Low pay, slow promotion, terrible benefits, bad food and housing - and oh ya' - dangerous. So why do we continue to find such strong, smart and larger than life individuals who thrive and succeed in this environment? Young men, such as David Hackworth, volunteer, find themselves and then inspire others to reach their ultimate capabilites and beyond!The Army of today is all volunteer. Most who enlist do so for personal reasons - this thing about defending our country. During the Vietnam War, Col David Hackworth did not have the luxury of commanding a volunteer force. Like him, I commanded a majority of troops who did NOT want to wear the uniform (in my case a platoon) - and worse - found themselves in a combat zone against their will - impressed into an uncaring system that cheapened their contributions, sacrifices - and even their lives. Unlike me - Hack never had the joys and rewards of command in the all volunteer force."Steel My Soldier's Hearts" is a manual in the traits of personal leadership for all organizations - how to make them better and allow contributions from all people - of all capabilities and at every level. Hack was an officer who bent people to his will - fierce determination to succeed and to complete the mission - and to take care of his troops. He let nothing stand in his way to achieve his goals.Hackworth succeeded where others failed - by inspiring, leading by example, showing results by and for his troops. First, he taught them how to survive - then defeat the enemy by outthinking them at EVERY turn. Hackworth was a military artist - not a military scientist, his lessons learned were personal. Some techniques are transferrable to others - the will and determination - probably not. This is the David Hackworth I admire.Such personalities collect enemies along the way. Thanks either to fear, intimidation or bad aim - Hack was spared 'fragging' and succeeded building a magnificent fighting force. Criticism of Hack as a self promoting grandstander can probably be justified. He earned the right to do so! He had no tolerance for those he viewed as obstacles. He purged officers - bad and good - deserving and undeserving - happens all the time. Anybody who served on a staff of 'Stormin Norman' Schwartzkopf would make Hack out to be an angel of mercy!Hack tries to show people the truth of war and military service. Anyone who contemplates wearing the uniform should read all of Hackworth's writings. Those who wear the uniform - or have worn the uniform will be comforted by Hack's confirmation of vanity, glory, selfish enrichment and stupidity by those who led us - and of the government we served.[Hack - RIP, Mike Horn, LTC, MI, USA, 1970-1996, ret]
A great read for all. Learn about leadership, and learn about history. This book will tech you how a little discipline can change anyone.
This is an amazing book - how do you transform the worst unit in the US Army into one of the best. The first half of the book is amazing, but you have to read closely to see how he did. It is not rocket science, but it is not easy. It helps (read you have to have) good people under you as well to execute on it. Brilliant.It is glossed over a bit, but this guy was also the preeminent proponent of insurgency operation in the Vietnam Era. Read the book closely, his tactics and strategy are timeless.The second half of the book ends up being a high-lights, and low-lights, reel of the operations, and captures some of the day-to-day life of the grunt. Stuff that you don't see discussed often. The political challenges of incompetent higher-up is laced through out the book.It is a great read just as a story, and if you want to see what it takes to be a leader and change things - it's in there as well.
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