Free Download Bono: The Amazing Story of a Rescue Cat Who Inspired a Community, by Helen Brown
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Bono: The Amazing Story of a Rescue Cat Who Inspired a Community, by Helen Brown
Free Download Bono: The Amazing Story of a Rescue Cat Who Inspired a Community, by Helen Brown
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About the Author
Helen Brown was born and brought up in New Zealand, where she first worked as a journalist, TV presenter, and scriptwriter. A multi‑award‑winning columnist, Helen now lives in Melbourne, Australia, with her family and feline, the internationally beloved Jonah. Cleo rose to the top of the bestseller lists in its first weeks in the United States, United Kingdom, New Zealand, France, and Australia, and has been translated into more than sixteen languages. Cats & Daughters entertained her readers with publication in six countries, and her novel Tumbledown Manor showed her storytelling talents at their best. You are invited to visit Helen at and follow her on Facebook. The author will donate a portion of her earnings from this book to BideaWee animal shelter and hospital. Learn what you can do to help at
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Product details
Paperback: 288 pages
Publisher: Citadel (May 29, 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0806538457
ISBN-13: 978-0806538457
Product Dimensions:
5.5 x 0.7 x 8.3 inches
Shipping Weight: 8.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.1 out of 5 stars
55 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#61,623 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Book about a cat. (Reason for picking.) I may have inadvertently missed it when I was skipping the personal sagas, shopping trips, museum escapades, and life quandaries, but somehow this cat with limited life span due to fatal kidney disease is miraculously healthy at the end with no explanation I could find. And the adopters were medical people (doctor, nurse) whom I guarantee would have pursued that question. Bizarre this made it through editing.
I’ve owned cats for 60 years. This story covers all the secret traits known to cats that non-cat people don’t get. I see so many of my past kitties in Bono
Helen has a true heart of gold. What a beautifully written book, with true compassion. Lydia planted the seed that needed to grow on it's own. Bono appreciated you from the start, you just didn't know it. Love the book and look forward to more writings. Tell Jonah he's loved, from me!
This book is not about a cat. Five or six chapters in still no cat. Just the drama of an author who it is all about, instead of the cat. Probably good, urinated a book with the cat being the focus, not me, me, me and my jetsetter, metropolitan life where I find myself and oh, yeah, there is this cat....
This book started out, in my opinion, about a selfish spoiled older woman of means "bored" by her life with a saint for a husband. Perhaps it got better, but I just couldn't finish it...
This book is warm, comforting....& very funny. I loved it!!!
Bono, The Rescue Cat was much more than a story about a rescue cat. It was a real learning experience for everyone involved with Bono. "Life lessons" was the real story here! The writer learned more about herself and her relationships because of Bono, lessons we all could learn. Good story with a happy ending (not all pet stories end happily) so I recommend this book with no reservations.
As a cat lover, of course, I loved this book. When my Lukie died in my arms of a heart attack, I said I would never have another. BUT, my husband, Tony had passed away and I was too lonesome, so from the shelter came another love, my Buddy Boy. This story you can tell was written from the heart. It was at different times funny, sad, and oh so interesting. Most enjoyable!
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