PDF Ebook Make it Paleo: Over 200 Grain Free Recipes For Any Occasion, by Bill Staley Hayley Mason
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Make it Paleo: Over 200 Grain Free Recipes For Any Occasion, by Bill Staley Hayley Mason
PDF Ebook Make it Paleo: Over 200 Grain Free Recipes For Any Occasion, by Bill Staley Hayley Mason
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About the Author
Hayley Mason, a high definition makeup artist trained in Hollywood, never thought she would be applying her styling talents to grass fed beef and grain free desserts rather than the eyes and cheek bones of movie stars. In just over a year, Hayley has become one of the most acclaimed culinary forces driving the grain free cooking movement. Her practical, efficient and methodical cooking style in Make it Paleo shows that delicious grain-free eating can be easily attained by anyone and leave you feeling as if nothing is missing from your plate. Her holistic approach to health, wellness and nutrition is a common thread that weaves its way through every recipe in Make it Paleo.Bill Staley, a landscape architect and seasoned artist, brings his wealth of creative talents to the table in Make it Paleo. Drawing upon nearly a decade of experience in graphic design, photography, and various other artistic pursuits, Bill now brings his eye for aesthetics to the kitchen. His keen sense of photo composition and expertise with the software and technology required to record each dish are both immeasurable and integral to his role in creating Make it Paleo and The Food Lovers Primal Palate.
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Product details
Paperback: 448 pages
Publisher: Victory Belt Publishing; 1 edition (October 20, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1936608863
ISBN-13: 978-1936608867
Product Dimensions:
8.5 x 1.3 x 10.8 inches
Shipping Weight: 3.6 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.6 out of 5 stars
422 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#250,181 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I have cooked for my husband and children for 39 years. A lot of the recipes were "no brainers" for me. But there were also a lot of good recipes for me to try as well. I don't like to use dates a lot. There were enough recipes without dates for me. I would buy the book again. It is of value in my cook book collection. I think my 25 yr old daughter would get more out of it than me. Its not one of my favorites. But I would definitely consider buying other cook books by them. I think they will only get better!
This is a really great Paleo resource or anyone who is gluten/grain free. I would highly recommend it. I will mention a couple of cautions in the hopes it might help people. Their "sweets" do have natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup. They taste just as good as "real" treats which means it can be easy to eat too many of them so if you are trying to lose weight you might want to stick to the rest of the cookbook and save the treats for holidays. Also, they use a lot of coconut milk in recipes and I am personally allergic to coconut. I know this is not necessarily common, but I wanted to bring that up as well.Overall it's a truly outstanding book with great directions and beautiful pictures!
So I actually just made my first thing from this ebook. I greatly prefer hadcopies of cookbooks but I own Make It Paleo II and love it so when the sale came up I jumped on this. And as expected I haven't really used it... EXCEPT my hubby always wants carrot cake for his birthday. So I went on a hunt through all my various books for the perfect carrot belly-ache free carrot cake. And can I say it was worth the purchase just for this alone. We did share a little bit the night of his birthday but after brief discussion of the ingredients he decided that it totally qualifies as breakfast :). And as I was on the search I spotted several other things I intend to try if I remember to look on my ipad.
The authors did a mostly nice job of giving us workable recipes (and certainly beautiful photos of them) and creative ideas. If you are looking to restore or maintain your health by your eating habits and choices this book should be on your "go to" list. As a nutritional consultant, I do see a lot of people struggle to remove the sugary/starchy/grain foods from their diet that are the main source of health problems. Simply switching to an "approved" sugar like maple syrup or raw honey is not really the answer, although certainly better then corn or cane. By including such a vast chapter on sweets, this book in my mind gives the impression that sweets can be part of every day or even every meal when we all need to cut waaay back. But if you keep that in mind, you can enjoy better health by following a true Paleo diet and the other recipes in this book are helpful and delicious.
the best paleo book out there, in my opinion. It has a huge picture for each recipe, which I need when cooking. The recipes are also relevant to normal foods. The desserts, though, are fantastic. I love this book more than any other one.
I was excited to receive this book, and at a lower price than at our local chain bookstores; the recipes are good - easy to follow instructions and wonderful pictures. However, after receiving the book, I went on the authors' website and was very disappointed to find that ALL of the recipes were duplicates of recipes on their website that you can access for FREE. I actually went through every recipe in the table of contents and compared to the recipe list on their website. Each one was included on their website. The website actually has more recipes than the book. Kudos to them for having a good website, but save yourself some money and just get the recipes online instead!
I do like that this cookbook has pictures, but I agree with other reviewers; the pictures are actually TOO much eye candy. I love pictures in a cookbook, but I want the pictures to function not just as a visual enhancement but as an aid to how to prepare the foods. The recipes are nice, but there could have been two recipes per some pages instead of just one giant picture and recipe. Also, the book is large and awkward to hold. It's an okay book, but I was surprised to be disappointed. I did so want to like it more. I will keep it, and I will use the recipes, but the new trend toward coffee table cookbooks is not my thing.
A lovely book, and I am glad I bought it because it has nice recipes in it. Lots of pictures, and a very pretty book to have on your bookshelf. But, the first 50 pages the authors talk about themselves, some of the recipes are very complex using up the better part of two pages, and the book is heavy so is not easy to have laying aaround the kitchen when cooking out of it. I sometimes xerox just the page I need that has the recipe on it that I want. Then I scotch tape the page on my cupboard door to look at as I measure out the ingredients. Not my best purchase, but I do use it occasionally.
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